Heating equipment is a leading cause of fires in U.S. homes. Heating equipment caused 15% of home structure fires in 2011-2015, ranking as the second leading cause behind fires caused by cooking equipment.
The leading factor contributing to home heating fires (28%) was failure to clean, principally creosote from solid-fueled heating equipment, primarily chimneys.
The leading factor contributing to ignition for home heating fire deaths (53%) was heating equipment too close to flammable items, such as upholstered furniture, clothing, mattress, or bedding.
Home heating equipment fires also accounted for nearly one-fifth (19%) of civilian deaths (third behind fires caused by smoking materials and cooking), 12% of civilian injuries (second behind cooking equipment), and 16% of direct property damage (third behind electrical distribution and lighting equipment and cooking equipment).
Space heaters are the type of equipment most often involved in home heating equipment fires, (43%). Significantly, the fires involving space heaters accounted for 85% of the civilian deaths and 78% of civilian injuries in home fires caused by heating equipment, as well as over half (53%) of direct property damage.
The peak months for home heating fires are the cold weather months of December, January, and February (48%) with fires in March and November responsible for a disproportionate high share of heating equipment fires.
The leading factor that contributed to the failure of home heating equipment fires was:
Failure to clean
Mechanical failure or malfunction
Heat source too close to combustibles
Electrical failure or malfunction
Equipment unattended
Chimney & Furnace Fires
The compiled information below is according and to:
The U.S. Fire Administration (an entity of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency): https://www.usfa.fema.gov/prevention/outreach/heating.html
National Fire Protection Association: https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/By-topic/Safety-in-the-home/
Please visit these sights for more detailed information
on how to protect your family and home:
From 2013-2015, an average of 45,900 home heating fires occurred in the United States each year. These fires caused an annual average of approximately 205 deaths, 725 injuries and $506 million in property loss.
Heating was the second leading cause of home fires after cooking.
Home heating fires peaked in the early evening hours between 5 and 9 p.m. with the highest peak between 6 and 8 p.m. This four-hour period accounted for 29 percent of all home heating fires.
Home heating fires peaked in January (21 percent) and declined to the lowest point from June to August.
Confined fires — fires confined to chimneys, flues or fuel burners — accounted for 75 percent of home heating fires.
Twenty-nine percent of the nonconfined home heating fires — fires that spread past the object of origin — happened because the heat source (like a space heater or fire place) was too close to things that can burn.
Safety Tips:
Have all furnaces, chimneys and heating equipment cleaned and inspected annually before cool weather arrives.
Have water heaters inspected annually.
Move all combustible objects or material away from heating equipment, fireplaces.
Clean clothes dryers vent systems regularly.
Clean dryer filters vents after every use.
Use caution when placing portable heating equipment near things that can burn, such as upholstered furniture, clothing, mattress, or bedding.
For more information, please download and read these reference materials: